- Arachnophobia : Fear of spiders
- Ophidiophobia : Fear of snakes
- Aviatophobia, or Aerophobia : Fear of flying in a plane, helicopter, etc. (Imagine if birds had this phobia!)
- Agoraphobia, Cenophobia, or Kenophobia : Fear of open spaces
- Claustrophobia, or Clithrophobia : Fear of confined, or closed spaces
- Acrophobia, Altophobia, or Hypsophobia : Fear of heights
- Pogonophobia : Fear of beards (Santa Clause will not visit those with this phobia)
- Chorophobia : Fear of dancing
- Pediophobia : Fear of dolls
- Ichthyphobia : Fear of fish
- Batrachophobia : Fear of frogs
- Chaetophobia : Fear of Hair
- Eisoptrophobia : Fear of mirrors
- Triskaidekaphobia : Fear of number 13
- Linonophobia : Fear of strings
- Odontophobia : Fear of teeth
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Jillur Rahman
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